Growth by Collaborations – How to find Partners for Innovation and Business

Reliable partners are crucial for innovation and sustainable business growth. With partners from Switzerland, Europe and worldwide it is possible to improve business ideas, build consortia for EU-funded projects or find new customers. Since it is not an easy task to identify and find the right partners for successful collaborations, this event will not only provide the relevant information on this topic, but will also provide practical examples.


Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2018

15:30 Uhr

Kulturhotel Guggenheim Liestal

Hier sehen Sie das Programm. Bitte melden Sie sich für diese Veranstaltung direkt bei unserem Partner an.

Speakers from Enterprise Europe Network, Euresearch, Swiss Biotech Association, Swissnex Network and companies with practical experiences will inform about platforms, infrastructures as well as national and international networks. The focus lies on tools and useful experiences to identify future business and collaboration partners and what can be done to make yourself visible for others.

This event addresses business developers and experts from all technology fields.


The Enterprise Europe Network – Matchmaking international technologies for innovation projects

Dr. Emile Dupont, Head EEN Switzerland, Innosuisse, Bern

Company presentation –Benefits using the EEN

Speaker tbc

One nation one cluster - Partnering enables the SBA to represent and promote the Swiss Biotech Hub

Dr. Michael Altorfer, CEO, Swiss Biotech Association, Zürich

Helping startups to establish global networks: Innosuisse Internationalisation Camps and the swissnex network

Dr. Lutz-Peter Berg, Head of Science & Innovation, Embassy of Switzerland in UK, London

Company presentation – Benefits participating in an Internationalisation Camp

Speaker tbc

Internet platforms to find and search for partners

Dr. Susanne Daniel, Company Advisor Northwestern Switzerland, Euresearch Basel

Apero, networking and visit partner's information tables
